Saturday, 7 May 2011

Aion Chanter Guide - Aion Leveling Guide For Chanter

Leveling as a singer in Aion can be quite difficult, is not it? Each time you do so hard to level up, but it goes so slow. How can you speed up leveling the playing Aion?

played leveling Aion knowing where

In order to level very quickly as a singer is really needed to know where to go. Why is it necessary? Because if you go to places that are not good for leveling you will actually lose time easily. To know where to go, you should ask yourself two questions.

About this place has a very short time travel?
o Will this place have enough tasks to the leveling is going on for some time?

If the answer to either question is yes then you should go for it and the level in this area. It is very important that you only go to places that will not waste time traveling to and should have plenty of tasks to be supported leveling process.

Aion played Leveling By knowing what to do

So, if you find yourself a great place for leveling the level then you should know exactly what to do. You should know where to get the tasks, some tasks are good for leveling and how to complete these tasks.

First, it is important to know exactly what kinds of tasks to accept and what tasks to decline. 1 thing is for sure, good leveling tasks should not waste your time. It is recommended to accept only kill or meeting guests, because these quests will give you a nice experience boost and they are not difficult to finish at all.

However, if you can not find such tasks, then you must accept the other guests. It's really important that you estimate the time of these tasks. If you think that the search will take longer than 5 minutes to accept. However, if it takes 10 minutes? 15 minutes? Pad it.

Using a step-by-step leveling Aion played the way

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